Pros and cons of using Result<T> (ASP.NET Core)

Profile pictureToni Petrina
Published on 2019-10-016 min read
  • #C#
  • #functional programming

Communicating errors from the domain layer to the application layer can be done using error codes or by throwing exceptions. In typical SaaS products we don't want to pay the cost of throwing exceptions for the errors that occur, but weren't truly exceptional - things like validation or general business logic errors.

On the other hand error codes are typically returned from the function which leaves little space for the real return value of our functions. Since using out or ref is out of the question (in async functions especially) using a construct such as Result<T> (also known as a Either<Error, TResult> monad) can be used. So let's look at some code:

// Good starting point.
public sealed class Result<T>
    public T Value { get; }
    public bool IsError { get; private set; }

    public Result(T value)
        Value = value;

    // singleton error
    public static Result<T> Error = new Result<T>(default)
        IsError = true


Now it is time to refactor our code. Methods that return T should switch to returning Result<T>.

For void methods either a Unit type might suffice or forcing void methods to return bool. Third alternative is to introduce a non-generic Result type.

Let's take a look at simple forecast service:

public interface IWeatherForecastService
    Result<IEnumerable<WeatherForecast>> GetForecast(string city);

An implementation could look like:

public Result<IEnumerable<WeatherForecast>> GetForecast(string city)
    return Result.From<IEnumerable<WeatherForecast>>(
            .Select(f => new WeatherForecast
                // ... mapping

That impractical, but unfortunately unavoidable. The From method cannot infer from T[] that we want IEnumerable<T>. And certainly we don't want to always use either the constructor or the static method to create our result. Simple solution is to use implicit operators which will be defined on the Result<T> class:

public static implicit operator Result<T>(T value)
    => new Result<T>(value);

And now the above code is simplified to:

public Result<IEnumerable<WeatherForecast>> GetForecast(string city)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(city))
        return Result<IEnumerable<WeatherForecast>>.Error;

    // clean mapping from T to Result<T>
    return _api
            .Select(f => new WeatherForecast
                // ... mapping


In the first example a generic singleton error is introduced and used in the above example, but handling it is slightly verbose and cannot be customized. Since errors come in many shapes and forms, we can always abstract them as generic type hierarchy:

public class DomainError {}

Which can be used as a base class for our true errors:

public class ValidationError : DomainError
    public string Error { get; }

    public ValidationError(string error) => Error = error;

Let's enhance our Result<T> and add validation to the above example:

public sealed class Result<T>
    public DomainError DomainError { get; private set; }

    public Result(DomainError domainError)
        DomainError = domainError;
        IsError = true;

    // implicit conversion for errors
    public static implicit operator Result<T>(DomainError domainError)
        => new Result<T>(domainError);

public Result<IEnumerable<WeatherForecast>> GetForecast(string city)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(city))
        // from DomainError to Result<T>
        return new ValidationError("City must not be empty");

    // ...

Handling Result<T> in the controller

Now it is time to handle both the success and the result in our controller layer. Domain errors are internal errors represented by our domain layer. On the other hand, when serving application over HTTP layer in a typical RESTful fashion, HTTP error codes should be used instead.

Validation errors should yield status code 400 (bad request) and all other generic errors should yield status code 500 (internal server error).

public ActionResult<IEnumerable<WeatherForecast>> Get(string city)
    var result = weatherForecastService.GetForecast(city);

    if (result.IsError)
        switch (result.DomainError)
            case ValidationError ve:
                return BadRequest(ve.Error);
                return StatusCode(500);

    return Ok(result);

The above method is generic and can be put into a BaseController to handle all services returning Result<T>:

public ActionResult<IEnumerable<WeatherForecast>> Get(string city)
    => Handle(weatherForecastService.GetForecast(city));

public ActionResult<T> Handle<T>(Result<T> result)
    if (result.IsError)
        switch (result.DomainError)
            case ValidationError ve:
                return BadRequest(ve.Error);
                return StatusCode(500);

    return Ok(result);

Contagious results...

In a more complicated example a function returning Result<T> might call another function that returns Result<U>. Errors should be propagated to the caller and all parts of the chain must check for errors - similar to how async/await changes the entire caller tree.

Doing the check and aborting might seem a bit verbose:

public Result<T> Foo()
    var result = _bar.Get();
    if (result.Error is object) return result.Error;

    // continue using result.Value below...

Can we simplify extracting both the value and a potential error somehow? We could use the deconstruction feature introduced in C# 7. Let's add a Deconstruct method to simplify testing and decomposition of Result<T> class.

public void Deconstruct(out T value, out DomainError error)
    value = Value;
    error = DomainError;

Now we can simplify the above code:

public Result<T> Foo()
    var (value, error) = _bar.Get();
    if (error is object) return error;

    // continue using result.Value below...

Bonus: C# 8 pattern matching

Let's see how far we can go by using pattern matching:

// try to find maximum temperature for all days

return weatherForecastService.GetForecast(city) switch
    var (r, e) when e is null => r.Max(temp => temp.MaxTemp),
    var (_, e) => e, // error case

// alternative form where errors are handled first
return weatherForecastService.GetForecast(city) switch
    var (_, e) when e is object => e,
    var (r, _) => r.Max(temp => temp.MaxTemp),

Functional constructs

Instead of pattern matching a fluent API could be used:

return _foo.Do()
    // only invoked when there are no errors
    .Map(f => /* */);

public static Result<TR> Map<T, TR>(
    this Result<T> result,
    Func<T, TR> foo)
    if (result.IsError)
        return result.DomainError;

    return foo(result.Value);

public static Result<TR> Map<T, TR>(
    this Result<T> result,
    Func<T, Result<TR>> foo)
    if (result.IsError)
        return result.DomainError;

    return foo(result.Value);

Check out language-ext to see more functional stuff implemented in C#.

Potential issues

Switching to more functional, pipeline like form of error handling has its benefits, but what are potential downfalls?

The most obvious one is ignoring errors mid-execution and instead of aborting (propagating error to the caller) the code simply proceeds execution. This swallows the error end might be a source of bugs.

Second problem is the verbosity in handling the errors on the inside. While having a global error handler is nice for an entire layer, combining Result<> with Task<> and IEnumerable<> adds quite a few characters to the screen.

The last problem is the lack of informative errors in the signature. While F# can easily display all possible errors along the expected result, in C# we resort to class hierarchy and error inheritance. If anything, we should always strive for more functional approach due to various benefits in program composeability.

Happy coding!

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