DOM is slow...

Profile pictureToni Petrina
Published on 2020-05-011 min read
  • #javascript
  • #dom
  • #gamedev

In a simple loop

function render() {
  // init
  const now = new Date().getTime();
  const delta = now - last;

  // update
  for (let index = 0; index < entities.length; ++index) {
    const e = entities[index];
    e.x += ((100 * delta) / 1000) * e.dx;
    e.y += ((100 * delta) / 1000) * e.dy;

    if (e.x < 0 || e.x > document.body.clientWidth - e.w) {
      e.dx *= -1;
    if (e.y < 0 || e.y > document.body.clientHeight - e.h) {
      e.dy *= -1;

  // render
  for (let index = 0; index < entities.length; ++index) {
    const entity = entities[index];
    ctx.fillRect(entity.x, entity.y, entity.w, entity.h);

  // cleanup
  last = now;


On my machine the average FPS for 20000 entities is around 50. If I extract document.body.clientWidth and document.body.clientHeight into a global variable the FPS rises to 60 ocassionaly.

That really is surprising!

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