Silly issue with multiple domains and external-dns

When using multiple domains, don't forget to also update zones

Profile pictureToni Petrina
Published on 2023-06-211 min read
  • #buildinpublic
  • #external-dns

I am using external-dns for automatically creating DNS entries on Cloudflare from ingresses and services running in a cluster. The setup worked well enough when I used only one domain - but now I wanted to add a bunch of other domains.

Adding domains is pretty straightforward: just spam --domain-filter=. But after deploying it - no domain records were updated.

So, two problems:

  1. The Cloudflare token was only for the zone originally used - added others
  2. The zone was also passed as a -zone-id-filter argument - added others

That's really it! For every domain in Cloudflare do the following:

  1. Update API Token DNS:Edit entries (let's not comment on CF and edit functionality)
  2. Add the domain as another --domain-filter= entry
  3. Add the zone as another -zone-id-filter entry

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