Notes from the sessions on the second day of KCD Copenhagen 2024

Profile pictureToni Petrina

    Batch job and queues can be done in k8s nowadays See also: Vulcano, Armada.


    Running Apache Kafka at scale on Kubernetes with Strimzi​

    Apache Kafka on K8s - OpenAPI schema for ordering Kafka topic, a db, etc. DevEx -> Orchestration -> Shared services -> Resources

    Platform Real State: Abstract Your Organization's Tenancy Model Away With Crossplane

    Saving costs, sharing infra, reducing noisy neighbour. Check:

    • What infra and app services tenants need
      • Inventorizing - find out what is required
      • App devs need
        • GitOps, auth, secrets, DNS, expose endpoints
        • Keycloak, external-dns, ArgoCD, ingress-nginx
      • Platform team needs
        • Create stuff outside of k8s, DNS, isolation, RBAC, GitOps
        • Kyverno, Crossplane
    • What scale
      • Difference between small and large tenants
      • Limitations due to resources you use (LBs, number of pods)
      • Dedicated/shared
    • Isolation
      • Compute, network, control panel, middleware (tools, app services)
    • How much k8s is visible
      • Simplifies GitOps on non-k8s resources
      • Custom CRD that masquerades as a Helm chart
    • Efficiency *


    Create blueprints for services Reduce number of approvals you need Developers like GitOps - restore entire cluster from git Blueprint components:

    • Everything is in YAML
    • CRDs and operators Backstage format for blueprints

    Operator is in .NET

    Meta: what is the point of reporting "this piece is missing" when using declarative infra? Shouldn't everything be reconciled anyway and minimize the number of such errors?

    Change code theme: