Debugging Under Fire Keep your Head when Systems have Lost their Mind • Bryan Cantrill • GOTO 2017

Profile pictureToni Petrina

    “Any improvements made anywhere besides the bottleneck are an illusion.”

    • Gene Kim, The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win

    "Sleep deprivation is a major judgment impair"

    • Bryan Cantrill,

    "Semi-automated systems are fraught with peril: the arrogance and power of automation -- but with human fallibility."

    "It is a difficult thing to look at a winking light on a board, or hear a peeping alarm -- let alone several of them -- and immediately draw any sort of rational picture of something happening" -- Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Special Report on incident at Three Mile Island

    The 20 questions game is real-world equivalent of debugging.

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